The American Planning Association (APA) is an educational and policy group of folks who are interested in urban and regional planning. Every so often, a group of members are drafted to consider policy guides on issues of interest, which are presented before the annual national conference, which this year takes place in Atlanta.
I am especially interested in hazard mitigation, having done some work in the field, but demographic issues are already affecting many of our communities as well. The documents are worth a look, if you are an APA member or just interested in good public policy.
This year’s National Delegate Assembly at the Atlanta National Planning Conference will feature consideration of two draft policy guides: Hazard Mitigation and Aging in Community. The Legislative and Policy Committee established two working groups charged with drafting the guides and has approved the drafts for distribution to APA Chapters, Divisions and members for formal review and comment.
Comments on both draft Policy Guides are due by Tuesday, March 25. The committee encourages all comments to be as specific as possible and, where possible, to reference a specific section of the proposed draft…
Comments are due from members by March 25, 2014.