The Diary of Pvt. Orrin Brown: A Civil War Odyssey

Ten Years ago, I followed the journey of my 3rd great-grandfather Orrin Brown (1836-1909) as documented in his Civil War diary and passed down through the generations of the Pugh and Brown family. He mustered into the service on 3 October 1864. In case you missed it, here is where I began.

Sherman's March to the Sea
Sherman’s March to the Sea

As best we know, Orrin O. Brown was born in September 1836, at Wayne County, Michigan, to Orrin Brown, Sr. and Rhoda Weaver Brown of New York State. Orphaned at birth, his mother moved in with family in Will County, Illinois, only to become sick and die, leaving the baby to the care of relatives. In 1863, he went into the lumber trade and milling business at Sodus Township, Berrien County, Michigan. Answering the final call for service in the great War between the States for his older brother Norman, in October of 1864 he entered Company E, Fourteenth Michigan Infantry.

Company E mustered in at Kalamazoo, Michigan on the 13th of October, taking the train through Michigan City to Indianapolis where it met men from Illinois, going on to Nashville, Tennessee. The company helped with the clean up at Chattanooga from the 21st to November 3rd, when they departed on the train to Atlanta. Orrin saw the battlefield at Kennesaw Mountain and watched the city burn. Leaving on 15 November with General William T. Sherman’s army, he marched 300 miles through Georgia to Savannah, reaching that city on 11 December. Near the end of January, he started marching northward towards Augusta and eventually ended up at Fayetteville, North Carolina, on 12 February 1865. His health failing, Orrin went to New Bern, NC, and boarded the U.S. Kennebeck on 30 April for a hospital at New York, leaving service in June 1865. He returned to Michigan and took up a career as a farmer. Orrin Brown passed away on 9 January 1909.

This is his story, written in his own words.

The original diary has been handed down through the family for 125 years. This version was set to disk from a typed manuscript in 1989 by John Shepard and Mary Shepard Gin, Orrin Brown’s great-great-great-grandchildren by way of his daughter Rhoda Brown Pugh, her daughter Lucy Pugh Tillstrom, her daughter Florence Tillstrom Shepard.  The transcription in PDF is available here. Original spelling and style has been left intact.

Please join us as we follow Pvt Orrin Brown, Company E, 14th Regiment Michigan Infantry, as he marches through Georgia and the Carolinas with General Sherman, 150 years ago.

(c) 2024 for format and presentation, JC Shepard.

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Balancing Impacts of Short-Term Rentals on Rural America: Opportunities and Challenges

The Impact of Short-Term Rentals like Airbnb on Rural America: Opportunities and Challenges

Over the past decade, short-term rental platforms such as Airbnb have overturned the travel and accommodation industry, providing tourists with unique stays in local homes rather than traditional hotels. While much of the conversation around short-term rentals has focused on urban markets, its growing presence in rural America is reshaping local economies, cultures, and housing dynamics. As rural planners and communities seek ways to adapt to this new reality, it’s crucial to consider both the benefits and challenges short-term rentals present to small towns and rural areas.

Airbnb in rural America, rural housing challenges, short-term rentals in rural areas, rural tourism impact, Airbnb and local economies, rural planning for Airbnb, sustainable tourism in rural America

Opportunities for Rural Communities

Services like Airbnb and VRBO have brought tourism to parts of rural America that may have been once overlooked by travelers. For many small towns and rural regions, these platforms represents a chance to showcase their overlooked natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and local traditions. An influx of tourists can stimulate local economies, creating new opportunities for small businesses, artisans, and local service providers.

Airbnb in rural America, rural housing challenges, short-term rentals in rural areas, rural tourism impact, Airbnb and local economies, rural planning for Airbnb, sustainable tourism in rural America

Boosting Local Economies

The most immediate benefit of short-term rentals in rural areas can be the economic boost it brings to local communities who have been overlooked by corporate hotel chains. With an increase in visitors, local businesses such as restaurants, shops, and tour operators see a rise in demand. Small towns that once struggled to attract tourists are now able to tap into a global market of travelers seeking unique, off-the-beaten-path experiences.

Airbnb allows local homeowners to generate additional income by renting out their properties. In areas where jobs and economic opportunities may be limited, or where seasonal homes sit vacant much of the year, this extra income can make a significant difference in household finances. Some rural property owners are turning their properties into full-time Airbnb rentals, creating small businesses centered around hospitality.

Airbnb in rural America, rural housing challenges, short-term rentals in rural areas, rural tourism impact, Airbnb and local economies, rural planning for Airbnb, sustainable tourism in rural America

Revitalizing Declining Communities

In some rural areas, population decline and economic stagnation have led to a decrease in housing demand and the deterioration of old homes. By converting these homes into Airbnb or VRBO rentals, rural communities can breathe new life into neglected properties, preserving architectural heritage while attracting new visitors. This process can help revitalize small towns, promoting local pride and investment in community infrastructure.

Challenges and Concerns for Rural Places

While short-term rentals offer many opportunities, they also present significant challenges that rural planners and local governments must address. Without careful planning, the rapid growth of short-term rentals in rural areas can lead to unintended consequences, particularly around housing availability and affordability, infrastructure, and community identity.

Airbnb in rural America, rural housing challenges, short-term rentals in rural areas, rural tourism impact, Airbnb and local economies, rural planning for Airbnb, sustainable tourism in rural America

Housing Affordability and Availability

One of the most pressing concerns is the impact of short-term rentals on local housing markets. As property owners shift from long-term rentals to more lucrative short-term Airbnb listings, housing availability for local residents can become strained. In areas where housing is already limited, this can drive up property values and rental prices, making it more difficult for service workers and local families to find affordable housing. Short-term rentals also create increased public safety issues, noise complaints, and neighborhood conflicts.

For rural planners, the challenge lies in balancing the economic benefits of Airbnb with the need to ensure that local residents aren’t priced out of their communities. Some rural areas have begun implementing regulations to limit the number of Airbnb properties or require owners to live on-site, trying to make sure landlords are policing their own tenants and being good neighbors.

Airbnb in rural America, rural housing challenges, short-term rentals in rural areas, rural tourism impact, Airbnb and local economies, rural planning for Airbnb, sustainable tourism in rural America

Strain on Infrastructure

In rural communities, infrastructure such as roads, water systems, and waste management is often designed to support a small, stable population. The influx of tourists staying in Airbnb rentals can put pressure on this infrastructure, leading to wear and tear that local governments may struggle to maintain. Rural planners must consider the long-term impact of increased tourism on local resources and plan for sustainable growth.

Airbnb in rural America, rural housing challenges, short-term rentals in rural areas, rural tourism impact, Airbnb and local economies, rural planning for Airbnb, sustainable tourism in rural America

Cultural and Community Impacts

Rural America is often defined by its strong sense of community and deep-rooted traditions. The arrival of tourists through Airbnb can sometimes disrupt the social fabric of these small towns, particularly if the influx of visitors is not managed carefully. Rural planners need to work closely with local communities to ensure that the benefits of Airbnb are felt broadly and that the character of the town is preserved.

For some communities, there is a concern that the increase in short-term rentals will lead to “ghost towns,” where homes sit empty for much of the year, only coming to life during tourist seasons. This can weaken community bonds and create a sense of division between local residents and visitors.

The Role of Rural Planners in Managing Airbnb’s Impact

To harness the benefits of short-term rentals while mitigating challenges, rural planners must take a proactive role in shaping the future of Airbnb and VRBO in their communities. Effective planning can ensure that tourist housing contributes to sustainable economic growth without sacrificing the needs of local residents or the long-term viability of rural infrastructure.

Regulation and Zoning

One approach that rural planners can take is implementing clear regulations around short-term rentals. By establishing zoning laws that limit the number of Airbnb properties in certain areas or requiring that property owners live on-site, planners can help ensure that Airbnb doesn’t overwhelm the local housing market. Some communities have also introduced licensing systems or imposed occupancy taxes on Airbnb hosts, generating revenue that can be reinvested in local infrastructure and services.

Airbnb in rural America, rural housing challenges, short-term rentals in rural areas, rural tourism impact, Airbnb and local economies, rural planning for Airbnb, sustainable tourism in rural America

Community Engagement

Engaging the community in the planning process is crucial for managing the impact of Airbnb. Local residents should have a say in how short-term rentals are integrated into their communities, and planners should work to address concerns about housing, absentee landowners, infrastructure, or community character. By fostering an open dialogue between residents, property owners, and local governments, rural planners can create solutions that benefit everyone.

Promoting Sustainable Tourism

Finally, rural planners should focus on promoting sustainable tourism practices that protect local resources and minimize the environmental impact of increased tourism. This might include encouraging the development of eco-friendly accommodations, promoting responsible visitor behavior, and ensuring that tourist activity aligns with the community’s capacity and long-term goals.

Airbnb in rural America, rural housing challenges, short-term rentals in rural areas, rural tourism impact, Airbnb and local economies, rural planning for Airbnb, sustainable tourism in rural America

Conclusion: A Balanced Approach to Airbnb in Rural America

Short-term rentals have a potential to bring economic benefits to rural America, but the system must be managed carefully to avoid negative consequences for local communities. Rural planners play a critical role in shaping how short-term rentals like Airbnb and VRBO are integrated into their regions, ensuring that the opportunities for economic growth are balanced with the preservation of local culture, housing availability, and infrastructure sustainability.

With thoughtful planning and community engagement, Airbnb can become a valuable tool for revitalizing rural communities and promoting tourism, all while maintaining the unique character that makes rural America so special.

More information on the topic of short-term rentalsin Rural America:

On Economic Benefits of Airbnb:

On Rural Housing and Short-Term Rentals:

  • National Low Income Housing Coalition – Offers insights into housing availability and affordability challenges in rural areas, including the impact of short-term rentals like Airbnb.

On Sustainable Tourism Practices:

On Rural Infrastructure Challenges:

  • Review of the Challenges – Discusses infrastructure issues facing rural communities, including the strain from tourism and population changes.

On Local Communities and Airbnb Regulations:

Rental Revelations – Shares research and resources on local regulations for short-term rentals to protect community interests.

Another interesting Blogpost: Aging in Rural America

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The Lesser Evil: 2024 Edition

The “Bad Emperor” Problem

The lesser of two evils is still evil

“An authoritarian system can move much more quickly and decisively than a democratic one, but its success is ultimately dependent on having a continuing supply of good leaders—good not just in a technocratic sense but in their commitment to shared public goals rather than self-enrichment or personal power.”
—Francis Fukuyama, Political Order and Political Decay

The lesser of two evils is still evil.  #NeverTrump

I remain #NeverTrump:  Original Post 2016.

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Remarkable Challenges of Aging in Rural America: Planning for a Supportive Future

Aging in Rural America – As the population of rural America continues to age, planning for elder care has become a critical issue. While rural life is often celebrated for its close-knit communities and quiet, pastoral landscapes, it also presents significant challenges when it comes to providing care for an aging population. From access to healthcare facilities to the availability of support services, growing old in rural areas requires careful planning and a concerted effort to address the unique needs of seniors.

The Challenges of Aging in Rural Communities

Rural areas are experiencing a demographic shift, with many young people moving to urban centers for education and employment. As a result, rural populations are aging at a faster rate than their urban counterparts. This shift is placing a strain on already limited healthcare services, and the geographic isolation that defines many rural areas makes it more difficult for older residents to access the care they need.

Healthcare infrastructure in rural America is often limited, with fewer hospitals, long-term care facilities, and specialized medical professionals. Many seniors must travel long distances to see a doctor or receive specialized treatments, a journey that can be difficult for those with mobility issues or chronic health conditions. Transportation, a key issue in rural planning, becomes a barrier to care as public transportation options are scarce or nonexistent in many rural areas.

aging in rural America, elderly care in rural areas, rural healthcare access, community-based care in rural communities, telemedicine in rural America, senior housing in rural areas, rural healthcare workforce shortages, planning for elderly care in rural areas

The Importance of Community-Based Care

One of the most promising solutions for addressing the elder care challenge in rural areas lies in strengthening community-based care models. These models emphasize the role of local support networks—family, neighbors, and community organizations—in providing care for seniors. By leveraging the strengths of tight-knit rural communities, it is possible to create systems of care that are both effective and sustainable.

Home health services, volunteer caregiver programs, and local health clinics are all essential components of a community-based care approach. Rural planners can play a pivotal role in ensuring these services are available and accessible. Planning for the future involves not just physical infrastructure, such as clinics and transportation systems, but also fostering collaboration between local governments, healthcare providers, and community organizations.

aging in rural America, elderly care in rural areas, rural healthcare access, community-based care in rural communities, telemedicine in rural America, senior housing in rural areas, rural healthcare workforce shortages, planning for elderly care in rural areas

The Role of Telemedicine

Telemedicine is another tool that has the potential to revolutionize elder care in rural America. With the advent of digital technologies, seniors in rural areas can now consult with specialists and receive care remotely, reducing the need for long-distance travel. However, the success of telemedicine in rural communities hinges on reliable broadband infrastructure—something that remains unevenly distributed across rural America.

As rural planners work to bridge the digital divide, expanding access to high-speed internet is a key priority. Ensuring that seniors and their caregivers can use telemedicine services effectively requires not only technological investments but also education and training programs to help older residents navigate these new tools.

aging in rural America, elderly care in rural areas, rural healthcare access, community-based care in rural communities, telemedicine in rural America, senior housing in rural areas, rural healthcare workforce shortages, planning for elderly care in rural areas

Housing and Accessibility

Another critical aspect of aging in rural America is the need for accessible, affordable housing. Many seniors in rural areas live in homes that were not designed with aging in mind, lacking features such as ramps, wide doorways, or walk-in showers. Planning for senior-friendly housing is essential to ensure that older residents can remain in their homes safely as they age.

In addition to retrofitting existing homes, rural planners must also consider the development of new housing options that cater to seniors. Independent living communities, assisted living facilities, and multi-generational housing models can all play a role in providing safe, supportive environments for rural seniors. These developments should be integrated into the fabric of rural communities, allowing seniors to remain connected to their neighbors and support networks.

aging in rural America, elderly care in rural areas, rural healthcare access, community-based care in rural communities, telemedicine in rural America, senior housing in rural areas, rural healthcare workforce shortages, planning for elderly care in rural areas

Addressing Workforce Shortages

One of the most significant challenges in providing care for seniors in rural areas is the shortage of healthcare workers. Rural communities often struggle to attract and retain doctors, nurses, and home health aides, making it difficult to meet the growing demand for care. Workforce development programs, incentives for healthcare professionals to work in rural areas, and training for local residents can help address this shortage.

Rural planners have a role to play in advocating for these programs and ensuring that local healthcare facilities are adequately staffed. Collaboration with educational institutions and healthcare providers is essential to create pipelines for training and recruiting the next generation of rural healthcare workers.

aging in rural America, elderly care in rural areas, rural healthcare access, community-based care in rural communities, telemedicine in rural America, senior housing in rural areas, rural healthcare workforce shortages, planning for elderly care in rural areas

The Future of Aging in Rural America

As rural America faces the challenge of an aging population, it is clear that careful planning and investment are needed to ensure that seniors can age with dignity and support. From improving healthcare access to developing age-friendly housing and addressing workforce shortages, rural communities must take a proactive approach to elder care.

Rural planners are uniquely positioned to lead these efforts, bringing together stakeholders from across the community to develop comprehensive, sustainable solutions. By planning for the future today, rural America can ensure that its seniors receive the care they need while remaining an integral part of the communities they helped to build.

Additional Information on the Topic of Aging in Rural America:
For Rural Healthcare Access and Challenges:

For Community-Based Care:

For Telemedicine in Rural Areas:

For Senior Housing and Accessibility:

For Workforce Shortages in Healthcare:

For Aging and Elderly Care:

AARP – Rural Aging Resources – Insight into aging in rural areas and the challenges seniors face.

Previous Blogpost: How Remarkable Rural Entrepreneurs Can Empower America’s Heartland

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City of Burwell Adopts Comprehensive Plan, Zoning and Subdivision Regulations

At their public hearing on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, the City of Burwell, Nebraska, City Council adopted the new Burwell, Nebraska, Comprehensive Plan, as well as a new Zoning Ordinance, Official Zoning Map, and Subdivision Regulations, as recommended by the Planning Commission. The Burwell City Council also voted to accept the Burwell Strategic Plan and Capital Improvements Plan (CIP).

Burwell Sign

Burwell is located in Garfield County at the gateway to the Nebraska Sandhills. The US Census says the full-time population in 1,087 residents, but they attract many more people during the summer recreation season. Burwell is just downriver from Calamus Reservoir and Calamus State Recreation Area, on the North Loup River. Nebraska’s Big Rodeo each July has been attracting cowboys for over 100 years, one of the biggest competitions in ProRodeo. Burwell is also the home base for historic Fort Hartsuff.

My firm, Marvin Planning Consultants, has been working with Burwell Economic Development and City staff to draft the Comprehensive Plan and other documents. The Burwell Planning Commission functioned as our Advisory Committee, making time in their monthly meeting schedule to review the plan and proposed regulations. We also welcomed participation by the Calamus Area Community Fund and the Nebraska Community Foundation who helped get the word out and hold a successful Town Hall last year.

I really enjoy working with people who want to improve their community.


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How Remarkable Rural Entrepreneurs Can Empower America’s Heartland

Rural America has long been associated with vast landscapes and agricultural heritage, but today, these communities face a new set of challenges. Population decline, economic struggles, and the lure of urban life have left many rural areas searching for ways to sustain themselves. In the midst of these challenges, however, a new story is unfolding—one that centers on the rise of rural entrepreneurs. These individuals are reshaping the economic landscape of their communities, balancing innovation with a deep connection to tradition, and proving that small-town America is capable of more than just survival.

Rural entrepreneurship, small-town business growth, rural economic development, innovation in rural America, rural startup challenges, agritourism in rural areas, digital infrastructure in rural communities, rural business innovation, small business in rural America, revitalizing rural economies, rural entrepreneurs

The New Rural Entrepreneur

Today’s rural entrepreneur is redefining what it means to be a business owner in small-town America. While farming and agriculture remain core elements of many rural economies, there is a growing trend of diversification. Farmers are increasingly embracing agritech, organic practices, and niche markets. Local artisans, e-commerce sellers, and remote workers are setting up shop in places long considered too small or disconnected to support such ventures. These entrepreneurs blend modern tools like e-commerce and remote working platforms with the authenticity and craftsmanship deeply ingrained in rural life.

“In many ways, entrepreneurs are the life blood of a community’s economy. Entrepreneurs start new businesses that build new local industries or expand existing ones. Along the way, many entrepreneurs hire others in their community, creating new jobs. This constant churn of pursuing new ideas and opportunities keeps communities vibrant,” wrote Andrew Dumont and Marysol McGee in a post for the Fedcommunities blog. “This is particularly true in rural communities, where small businesses and entrepreneurs have long been important. “

Yet, while this new wave of entrepreneurship is bringing renewed hope, it also brings with it the pressures of sustaining both economic growth and the values that define rural communities. For many, it’s not just about finding new ways to generate income, but about doing so in a way that remains true to the identity and heritage of these areas.

Supporting Infrastructure for Startups

One of the critical elements enabling rural entrepreneurship has been the slow but steady improvement in infrastructure, particularly broadband access. Historically, the lack of reliable high-speed internet and basic communication networks held many rural communities back. Today, government initiatives and local efforts are working to bridge the digital divide, though much work remains to be done.

With improved connectivity, rural entrepreneurs can now participate in the global economy in ways that were once unimaginable. Remote work has opened doors for individuals to stay in their hometowns while pursuing careers that previously required relocation. E-commerce has allowed artisans, food producers, and local businesses to reach national and international markets. However, while the digital age offers new opportunities, the uneven pace of progress means many rural areas still struggle with insufficient infrastructure, making it difficult for some entrepreneurs to fully realize their potential.

Local Innovation in Action

Despite these challenges, rural communities are finding creative ways to innovate. In many cases, it’s the very characteristics that once seemed like limitations—small populations, limited resources, and isolation—that are now driving new kinds of businesses. From small-scale manufacturers producing handcrafted goods to farmers adopting precision agriculture technologies, rural entrepreneurs are creating success stories that serve as models for others.

These examples, however, remain exceptions rather than the rule. Many entrepreneurs continue to face significant barriers to entry, from limited access to capital to a lack of mentorship and training. Rural communities often lack the resources found in urban startup ecosystems, forcing entrepreneurs to rely on personal savings, community networks, or crowdfunding to get their businesses off the ground. While the resilience and ingenuity of these business owners are commendable, the road ahead remains steep for many.

Challenges of Rural Entrepreneurship

The rise of rural entrepreneurship, though promising, is not without its difficulties. Access to financial resources is one of the most persistent challenges. Traditional banks often hesitate to lend to small businesses in rural areas, perceiving higher risks and lower potential returns. As a result, many rural entrepreneurs are left to seek alternative funding options, such as grants, community loans, or state-supported rural development programs.

Another challenge is the scarcity of skilled labor. Many rural areas have seen younger generations move to cities in search of better opportunities, leaving behind an aging workforce. This shortage of talent makes it difficult for rural entrepreneurs to scale their businesses or adopt more advanced technologies. While some communities are addressing this issue through workforce development programs and by encouraging the return of local talent, the gap remains significant.

Agritourism and Niche Markets

One of the most promising areas of growth for rural entrepreneurs is agritourism and niche market development. By leveraging the unique cultural and agricultural heritage of rural communities, many entrepreneurs are turning to tourism, local products, and artisanal crafts to sustain their businesses. From farm stays and guided tours to artisanal food production, rural entrepreneurs are finding ways to invite outsiders into their world, offering experiences and products that cannot be found elsewhere.

Yet, even this path is not without challenges. While agritourism and niche markets can generate revenue and help preserve cultural heritage, they also place additional pressure on local resources and infrastructure. Balancing the needs of tourists with the preservation of rural ways of life requires careful planning and ongoing community engagement. The success of these ventures often depends on the community’s ability to maintain its identity while welcoming new forms of economic activity.

The Future of Rural Entrepreneurship

The future of rural entrepreneurship remains one of cautious optimism. As small businesses grow and new ventures take root, rural communities are beginning to see the potential for economic renewal. However, this progress will require continued investment—not just in infrastructure, but in education, training, and community support systems.

For rural America to thrive, there must be a concerted effort to address the underlying challenges that have historically held these communities back. Whether through increased access to capital, more robust digital infrastructure, or better workforce development, rural entrepreneurs need the tools to succeed on a level playing field with their urban counterparts.

At its core, rural entrepreneurship is about more than just business—it’s about the survival and renewal of communities that have long been seen as America’s backbone. As these entrepreneurs navigate the complex landscape of economic modernization, they are also working to preserve the values and traditions that define their way of life. The balance between progress and preservation is delicate, but with careful planning and support, rural entrepreneurship has the potential to lead these communities into a vibrant and sustainable future.

USDA Rural Development Business Programs

Fedcommunities website

Previous blogpost:
Unlocking the Remarkable Transformation of Rural America: How Small Towns Are Thriving by Balancing Tradition and Innovation

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Fort Hartsuff and 150 Years on the Nebraska Sandhills

Fort Hartsuff was established in the North Loup Valley of the Nebraska Sandhills in 1874, and was active until 1881. The fort was named for Maj. Gen. George I. Hartsuff, who died in 1874 from wounds received in the Civil War. The town of Calamus was platted in September 1874, near the Fort, on the trail from Grand Island to Deadwood, in Dakota Territory. The Fort was intended to protect settlers and the Pawnee Tribe. In April 1876, soldiers from the fort engaged in the Battle of the Blowout against the Lakota tribe, with three Medals of Honor awarded.

Many of the buildings remain and since 1961 have been restored as a State Historical Park. Officers’ quarters line one side of the parade grounds, now shaded with large trees. An abundance of lime and gravel in the river valley gave the Army material to build many larger structures with a type of concrete they called grout. Today, visitors can stroll the gravel path around the parade ground, follow along the white picket fence that surrounds the fort, and explore buildings staged in the 1870s era. Nebraska celebrated Fort Hartsuff’s 150th anniversary on August 31 and September 1st, 2024, with re-enactors, food trucks, and very loud cannons.

The Fort is located north of Elyria, Nebraska, and east of Burwell. You can find out more about it at the (newly renamed) Nebraska State Historical Society: .

Interested? Check out Forts of the Northern Plains: A Guide to Military and Civilian Posts of the Plains Indian Wars by Jeff Barnes, new edition in Paperback – July 1, 2024.


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Unlocking the Remarkable Transformation of Rural America: How Small Towns Are Thriving by Balancing Tradition and Innovation

Rural America, characterized by its sweeping landscapes and tight-knit communities, has long been a bastion of tradition and simplicity. These regions are often seen as the heart of American heritage, where values like hard work, family, and faith are deeply rooted.

However, as the world rapidly evolves with advancements in technology, shifts in population, and changing economic landscapes, rural communities face the complex challenge of preserving their rich cultural legacy while adapting to the pressures and opportunities that modernization brings. This balancing act is crucial for their continued vitality and relevance.

Rural America, small towns, modernization, cultural heritage, rural development, rural infrastructure, agritourism, digital divide

The Historical Backbone of Rural America

Historically, rural America has been the backbone of the nation, playing a crucial role not only in providing agricultural products and raw materials but also in shaping the cultural and moral fabric of the country. These small towns and rural areas have long been revered as the stewards of traditional American values—values deeply rooted in family, faith, and the ethic of hard work. However, over the years, these communities have faced significant challenges, including declining populations, economic hardships, and the lure of urbanization, which have threatened their very existence.

Despite these challenges, many rural communities have shown resilience, adapting to changing circumstances in innovative ways. This adaptation is not just about survival; it’s about finding new paths to thrive while still preserving the essence of what makes these places unique. As younger generations leave for opportunities in cities, those who remain are often forced to rethink the economic and social structures that once defined their communities. Agriculture, while still vital, is no longer the sole economic driver, and many rural areas are diversifying into areas like tourism, renewable energy, and small-scale manufacturing.

The decline in population has also led to a sense of urgency in preserving the cultural heritage of these areas. Festivals, historical reenactments, and the promotion of local crafts have become more than just community activities—they are now seen as vital efforts to maintain a connection to the past while forging a future. Additionally, the shift towards modernization, such as the introduction of high-speed internet and better infrastructure, has opened up new opportunities for economic growth, making it possible for rural areas to attract new residents and businesses.

In essence, rural America stands at a crossroads. The decisions made today will determine whether these communities can continue to uphold their traditional values while embracing the changes necessary for their survival and growth. It’s a delicate balance between honoring the past and innovating for the future, one that rural America must navigate carefully to ensure its continued place as the heart of the nation.

Rural America, small towns, modernization, cultural heritage, rural development, rural infrastructure, agritourism, digital divide

Technological Impact

The introduction of modern technology has indeed transformed rural areas in profound ways, bringing both significant advantages and notable challenges. On one hand, technology has opened up new opportunities for these communities, enabling remote work, which allows residents to stay in their hometowns while engaging in global economies. Access to online education has expanded learning opportunities, particularly for younger generations, helping to bridge the educational gap between urban and rural areas. Furthermore, advancements in telemedicine have vastly improved healthcare accessibility, allowing residents to receive specialized care without the need to travel long distances.

However, despite these benefits, the digital divide remains a persistent issue, posing a serious obstacle to fully realizing the potential of modern technology in rural regions. Many rural areas still lack the necessary infrastructure for reliable high-speed internet, which has become a cornerstone of economic development in the 21st century. This disparity not only hampers economic growth but also exacerbates social inequalities, as those without adequate internet access are left behind in education, healthcare, and business opportunities.

Efforts to address this digital divide are underway, with federal and state initiatives aiming to expand broadband access to underserved areas. However, progress has been slow, and many rural communities continue to struggle with the limitations imposed by inadequate technology infrastructure. The challenge moving forward is to ensure that these areas are not left behind in the digital age, but rather are empowered to fully participate in and benefit from the technological advancements that are reshaping the world.

In summary, while technology has the potential to revitalize rural America, the uneven distribution of its benefits highlights the need for continued investment in infrastructure to ensure that all communities can thrive in the modern era.

Infrastructure and Development

Modernization efforts have significantly impacted rural areas by introducing new infrastructure projects that are vital for economic development. Improved roads have enhanced connectivity, making it easier for residents and businesses to access markets and services. Renewable energy projects, such as wind and solar farms, have brought new revenue streams and jobs to these communities, while also contributing to environmental sustainability. Additionally, improved transportation links have facilitated the movement of goods and people, further integrating rural areas into the broader economy.

However, these developments often present a double-edged sword. While they are essential for growth, they can also threaten the preservation of the natural landscapes and historical sites that define the character and identity of rural communities. For instance, the construction of new infrastructure can disrupt scenic vistas, harm wildlife habitats, and encroach upon historical landmarks that hold significant cultural value. This tension between progress and preservation is a central challenge for rural areas as they navigate the path of modernization.

Communities are increasingly seeking ways to balance these competing priorities. This might involve careful planning and community engagement to ensure that development projects are designed in a way that respects the natural and historical heritage of the area. By doing so, rural America can continue to evolve and grow economically while maintaining the unique qualities that make it such a cherished part of the national identity.

Rural America, small towns, modernization, cultural heritage, rural development, rural infrastructure, agritourism, digital divide

Cultural Preservation

Amidst the sweeping changes brought by modernization, there is a growing and passionate movement within rural America to preserve and celebrate its rich cultural heritage. Communities are increasingly turning to festivals, local craftsmanship, and traditional farming practices as vital ways to keep the spirit of rural life vibrant and connected to its roots. These events and practices not only provide a sense of continuity and pride but also serve as educational experiences for younger generations and visitors alike, ensuring that these traditions are passed down and appreciated.

Furthermore, agritourism is becoming an essential part of this preservation effort, offering visitors a unique opportunity to experience the simplicity and authenticity of rural life firsthand. Through activities like farm stays, hands-on agricultural experiences, and tours of local artisans’ workshops, agritourism fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of rural culture. This growing interest in agritourism is not only a means of economic diversification for rural communities but also a powerful tool for cultural education and preservation. By welcoming outsiders into their way of life, rural Americans can share their traditions, ensuring that the values and practices that have defined their communities for generations continue to thrive in the modern world.

The Future of Rural America

The future of rural America hinges on its ability to seamlessly blend modernization with the preservation of its deep-rooted traditions. By embracing advancements in technology, enhancing infrastructure, and safeguarding cultural heritage, rural communities can ensure their continued vibrancy and sustainability. Critical to this balance are initiatives that support and grow local businesses, promote sustainable farming practices, and improve access to education and healthcare. These efforts not only foster economic resilience but also help maintain the unique character and values that define rural life.

Furthermore, the integration of these elements requires a collaborative approach, involving both public and private sectors, as well as active community participation. Local governments and organizations play a vital role in driving these initiatives, whether through providing incentives for sustainable practices, facilitating access to technological resources, or preserving historical sites and local traditions. At the same time, community members are increasingly involved in grassroots efforts to protect their way of life, from organizing cultural events to advocating for better infrastructure.

This holistic approach ensures that rural America can adapt to the demands of the modern world while retaining the qualities that make it a vital part of the nation’s identity. As these communities continue to evolve, they serve as a reminder that progress does not have to come at the expense of tradition, and that with careful planning and commitment, both can coexist harmoniously.


Rural America stands at a pivotal moment, where the delicate balance between tradition and modernization will determine its future. By embracing technological advancements, improving infrastructure, and preserving cultural heritage, these communities can thrive amidst change. The success of rural areas hinges on local initiatives that support small businesses, promote sustainable farming, and enhance access to education and healthcare. As these regions navigate the complexities of the modern world, their ability to integrate progress with their rich traditions will ensure they remain vibrant and resilient, continuing to play a vital role in the nation’s fabric.

Read more on Rural America in this article: Rural America is Growing—Except Where It Isn’t

Brookings research: What’s in it for rural? Analyzing the opportunities for rural America in IIJA, CHIPS, and IRA

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Killed By A Traffic Engineer: Billboards

“A few years ago, the Colorado Department of Transportation placed an advertising billboard high over Colfax Avenue in Denver reminding drivers to keep their eyes on the road, something that would be impossible to do while also looking at the billboard…

There is a great billboard safety study from a couple years ago suggesting that ‘Removing billboards was associated with a decrease of 30 to 40% in injury crashes, and restoring billboards was associated with an increase of 40 to 50% in injury crashes.’

That shouldn’t be surprising.”

–Wes Marshall, Killed by a Traffic Engineer, Island Press 2024, page 121

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AN APPROACH NOT A SOLUTION: Escaping the Housing Trap—a Strong Towns Response

“At Strong Towns, we push back on the concept of a “solution.” There is no solution to the housing trap we find ourselves in… it’s always been an approach… People need to be able to try things, to respond to street or opportunity as it presents to them. Those responses need to be incremental, a discipline that expresses humility, allowing us to be wrong in a way that helps, not hurts.”

We need to let our cities fail faster so they can heal faster.

Escaping the Housing Trap is 2024’s entry in Charles Marohn’s Strong Towns series. The first book was Strong Towns: A Bottom-Up Revolution to Rebuild American Prosperity (2020), followed by Confessions of A Recovering Engineer: Transportation for a Strong Town (2021), and now Escaping the Housing Trap: The Strong Towns Response to the Housing Crisis, this time with co-author Daniel Herriges.

It seems like everybody is talking about housing—in particular “affordable housing”. Marohn & Herriges start off this book with an in-depth discussion of housing finance over the last 100 years. Snoozer, right? No way.  Housing as Investment is a great idea for building wealth, unless you’re trying to break into the housing market. This is the first jaw of the housing trap.

Housing as Shelter is the second part of the book and the second jaw of the housing trap. Here the duo break out the diatribes against the evils of zoning and NIMBYism and the joy of YIMBYism we all know. I agree with some. We need to remember there’s Affordable Housing capitalized, the state-run housing projects, and there’s affordable housing lower-case as in housing people can afford. The greatest amount of lower-case affordable housing is Manufactured Housing built to meet the HUD Code. Derisively labeled “mobile homes”, HUD Code housing is often better quality than stick-build structures since they are constructed indoors out of the weather and inspected regularly. We need to allow HUD Code Manufactured Housing wherever we allow stick-build single-family homes.

I don’t agree with other parts of this section. The small town I work in doesn’t allow on-street parking—the streets are narrow brick already. That slows people down, but there’s not enough room for parking even when the snow plows aren’t out. Plus there’s no transit so almost everybody has cars. More generally, there is no really functional mass transit and eliminating parking won’t create enough demand to fund small systems for rural areas.

A lot of it is context. There are parts of the Strong Towns approach I’m struggling with. Zoning is not evil in itself. Zoning was intended to protect public health, welfare, and safety, as affirmed by the US Supreme Court in the landmark case Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co, the source of the term “Euclidean Zoning”. Yes, some people used zoning to exclude people based on race and income, but not everybody everywhere. When I was younger I lived in old homes which had been cut up into small apartments—they provided affordable housing, at the expense of destroying beautiful neighborhoods of single-family homes. On the other hand, as a Zoning Administrator I became really tired of arguing with people who wanted to stick an accessory apartment in the basement for their kids, when it was just like places I had lived myself.

Housing in a Strong Town is the third part of the book. Where Part I explains the cost of housing, and Part II tries to explain the constraints on building new housing, Part III is a “response” not a “solution” to the housing crisis. “At Strong Towns, we see cities as complex, not merely complicated. Understanding the difference is essential.” Understanding cities as complex adaptive systems, rather than rigid mechanical systems, is a radical change in perspective for urban planning and development. We have developed tools such as zoning to protect optimized urban systems—locking them in amber, so to speak—while the world around us is constantly changing. Personally, I know this on a molecular level yet I struggle with it daily. Like Chris Gibbons’ idea of Economic Gardening, compared to traditional industrial recruitment, this perspective looks at complexity as messy, and chaotic, yet essential. Adaptation and response is the norm, not static stability.

There are tools offered towards the ends of more affordable housing, such as:

¡ Rapidly add new housing units at affordable prices

¡ Not adversely impact the existing housing market

¡ Allow for the flow of capital into the community, but slow the flow of capital out of the community

¡ Grow the city’s tax base without adding to the liabilities of local government

Part III wraps by presenting Principals of a New Approach to Housing. A “new paradigm for housing” focuses on what can be done, now, with resources available.

No Neighborhood Can Be Exempt from Change: Strong Towns has been calling for increasing densities for a long time, although Charles also continues to deny that. “By necessity, change means adding housing units. It means the neighborhood thickens up, maturing over time… The next increment of development intensity needs to be allowed by right.” Where single-family homes are allowed, we ought to allow duplexes and accessory dwelling units (ADUs). We need “gentle-fication” of Missing Middle Housing. That’s a great idea, in theory, but not  always an easy idea to implement.

No Neighborhood Should Experience Radical Change: Here’s where the message comes back to earth. Just as in the call for incremental densification, the authors call for no more than incremental change. Development is, like Money Ball, a game of bunts and singles. Hedge your bets.

There must be a Low Bar of Entry to Obtaining Housing: Start small, add small, stay flexible. How many cities restrict housing units to a minimum of 800 square feet? The International Residential Code (IRC building code) treats any home larger than 400 square feet the same, as long as they have sleeping, kitchen, and bathroom facilities. Now IRC also has Appendix Q for “Tiny Houses” smaller than 400 square feet.

Housing Must Be Part of a Neighborhood-Level Economic Ecosystem: Corner shops are a great idea, if you are buffered and not living next door. Heck, how about bringing back the corner pub? Yet they’re not going to eliminate the need for parking outside of Metro Areas. Make it easier to build less parking, yes, but enough with the war on cars.

Public Infrastructure Investments Must Focus on Where People Struggle to Use the City as it has Been Built:

1. Observe where people in the community struggle.

2. Then ask the question: What is the next smallest thing we an do right now to address that struggle?

3. Do that thing. Do it right now.

4. Repeat.

Maintaining a Sense of Urgency: As they say “We are not providing a solution but a mechanism for solutions to emerge from within complexity.” The rest of Part III presents ideas for making incremental change easier and cheaper. We need more small housing developers. We need to make it easier to finance small housing development. We need to build Strong Towns.

Originally published in the APA Small Town & Rural Planning News, Summer 2024.

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