A Love Story for the Animas River

I remember the Orange Tang of the Animas River running through Durango, Colorado, and on down to Farmington, New Mexico, in August 2015. Where normally kayakers and fly fishermen joust with tubers, the river coursed with the mineral runoff of Silvertonā€™s shuttered Gold King Mine, zinc, cadmium, aluminum arsenic, and iron hydroxides let loose by an EPA remediation team.

Jonathan Thompson, a writer who grew up in Durango, stood on a bridge and watched for the river to turn orange as the slug of mine waste ran through the heart of his hometown. The environmental disaster seems a natural fit for the one-time editor at High Country News, a respected regional journal with a well-practiced environmental bent. Yet rather than use the one-off event to self-promote and evangelize as an ā€œI told you soā€ moment, Thompson takes the Gold King incident and puts it in the context of over a millennia of human settlement in the Four Corners region.

As part elegy, part ode, and all based on practiced journalism, the River of Lost Soulsā€”el Rio de las Animas Perdidasā€”is a love story to the Animas Valley and the communities of Silverton and Durango to the north and south. This is a love story to the San Juan Mountains and the river valleys flowing from them, the place where Thompson grew up, where his parents and grandparents and great-grandparents generations back decided to sink roots. This is a love story to the Ancestral Puebloans and Dine and Utes who came first, the miners and farmers and ranchers who came later, and the diverse crowds who call Southwest Colorado home today.

Itā€™s easy to see why readers on the Colorado Plateauā€”Southwest Colorado, Northwest New Mexico, Arizona, Utahā€”would want to read this book, to better understand the place weā€™ve chosen as home. Why would other folks across the country care? As we well know, water often has much more to say about land use than our best multi-color land use plan. River of Lost Souls is a fascinating story and contemplation of water, our natural environment, and how we can do better building the places we love.

River of Lost Souls by Jonathan P. Thompson (Torrey House) 2018

(This review previously appeared in the APA Small Town & Rural Planning newsletter, courtesy Colorado Chapter APA.)
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2 Responses to A Love Story for the Animas River

  1. sand sheff says:

    Hi JC, This is Sand Sheff in Moab. I can’t figure out how else to get ahold of you so I’ll try this. I hope you are well. My band, Quicksand Soup, has a new record Miss You Darling –it just got mastered and will be coming out in the next couple of months. Is there any chance you would be interested in reviewing it? Your awesome review of Free on This Mountain has been a mainstay of my promotions and I always enjoy your take on Americana music. I can send you info about the band and the recording if you have an email. we are at http://www.quicksandsoup.com
    I can send you a copy physically (though it’s not in the package yet) or I can send you mp3’s via email or you could just check it out on soundcloud where i have it up temporarily. If you don’t have time, I totally understand. If you want to talk about it, you can email or call me 435-260-0446—thanks and blessings, Sand


    • JC says:

      Well Jim Dandy, it’s Sand Sheff! As they say in the Blues Brothers, he plays both kinds of music, County AND Western. I’ll be in touch.

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