Press Release
For Immediate Release
Contact: John Shepard, SRDC 507-836-8547
SLAYTON—The US Census only comes around every 10 years, and residents of Southwest Minnesota only have days to make sure they get counted.
Over 90% of households in the city of Seaforth have returned their census forms, while Redwood County and Rock County are leading Southwest Minnesota with 79% of census forms returned.
Households that send in their census forms after Friday 16 April 2010 may be visited by US Census workers when they begin going door-to-door to obtain census information in May. To avoid a knock on the door, be sure to send your census form in today.
Anybody who didn’t get a census form, misplaced theirs, or needs one in a different language, can pick one up at the Southwest Regional Development Commission, 2401 Broadway in Slayton, or at any of the Questionnaire Assistance Center/Be Counted Sites across the region (http://www.mn2010census.org/centers/).