Minnesota Feedlot Tours

Feedlot tours scheduled to highlight Open Lot Agreement projects

ST. PAUL, Minn. – The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is hosting three feedlot tours this month to highlight the state’s Open Lot Agreement (OLA) program. The program was established in October 2000 to help livestock producers reduce and eliminate the amount of runoff pollution from feedlots in Minnesota. Producers with fewer than 300 animal units had the opportunity to sign an Open Lot Agreement, which committed them to seek cost-share assistance and make corrective measures in phases over a ten-year period. The tours are open to the public. Livestock producers, feedlot officers, county officials, and Soil and Water Conservation District representatives are encouraged to attend.

The tours are as scheduled:

Monday, October 19, 10:00 a.m.
Mike and Joan Gilles farm
29246 Hass Road, Houston, MN (Winona County)
Mike, Joan and their 10 children own and operate a 100 cow dairy.

Friday, October 23, 10:00 a.m.
Pat and Trudy Lingen farm
826 140th Ave
Hatfield, MN (Pipestone County)
The Lingens operate a dairy and crop farm within the city limits of Hatfield.

Tuesday, October 27, 10:00 a.m.
Nick and Kris Pooch
32372 CR 28
Farwell, MN (Pope County)
The Pooch family farms 1200 acres and raises 350 head of feeder cattle.

State and county feedlot experts will be on hand to discuss the Open Lot Agreement and producers’ eligibility for a conditional waiver from possible enforcement if they are unable to meet the 2010 compliance deadline.



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