Diary of Orrin Brown—April 3, 1865

Confederate Capitol 1865Diary of Orrin Brown, Goldsboro, North Carolina

Monday–Apr 3rd

It is just six months today since I was mustered into the service. We have had a very nice day. James Gifford went over to the 15th A. C. today to find an old friend. I was on drill today for the first time since we have been in camp here. I wrote a letter home today. I was out on dress parade and Batalion drill this PM and it pretty near tired me out. I read 3 Chapt.

Richmond Falls

Six months after Pvt. Brown mustered into service, the Union Army marched into the Confederate capital at Richmond, Virginia.  Gen. Robert E. Lee and the Confederate government had abandoned the city, along with Petersburg, the night before (“Evacuation Sunday”), setting fire to the bridges, armory and whatever supplies they could not take with them.

On the morning of 3 April 1865, Union Maj. Gen. Godfrey Weitzel and the XXV Corps occupied Richmond and began to put the fires out, while Confederate President Jefferson Davis reached Danville, Virginia, with his Cabinet.  Lt. Gen. Grant and President Abraham Lincoln toured the city the next day, visiting Davis’ Confederate White House and the Virginia State Capitol building.



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