Diary of Orrin Brown—April 7, 1865

Diary of Orrin Brown, Goldsboro, North Carolina Friday–Apr. 7th The day has been cloudy with a few light sprinkles of rain. I received a letter from home today and answered it. There was a funeral procesion of some officer passed our camp just after noon. I am no better than I was yesterday. I read […]

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Diary of Orrin Brown—Nov 18, 1864

Diary of Orrin Brown, East of Covington, Georgia Friday–Nov. 18th We were routed out this morning at 4.30 and on the road again at 6 Oclock there is 4 detailed out of our Company today as foragers. Our Regt. is detailed as train guards today. We passed through the town of Covington about 2 PM […]

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Plan, Innovate, Get Local—Do More, Do It Better #apa13

Communities that want to compete in the Next Economy need to get a plan—not a fixed blueprint but a roadmap with clear priorities.  Support innovation with vibrant, mixed-use focal places and critical infrastructure.  Strengthen demand for local goods and services, and support your local workforce. About 5,000 planners gathered in Chicago last week for the […]

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Plan on it

The National Planning Conference of the American Planning Association (APA) is coming to Minneapolis, Minnesota, in April 2009. APA’s National Planning Conference is the world’s premier educational event for planners and planning officials. With hundreds of sessions, workshops, mobile workshops, and networking events to choose from, you can build your own conference — one that’s just […]

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