Diary of Orrin Brown—March 29, 1865

Diary of Orrin Brown, Goldsboro, North Carolina Wednesday–Mar. 29th We have had several light showers today and it looks as though we would have more rain tonight. I wrote a letter to Elmer and one to Ad Hamilton today. The regt. was on dress parade and after that they had batalion for about half an […]

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Diary of Orrin Brown—Dec 28, 1864

Diary of Orrin Brown, Savannah, Georgia Wednesday–Dec. 28th It is a little cooler this morning, we have had several pretty hard showers today so that our camp is very muddy. I have done considerable sewing todday fixing up my tent cloth. Read 7 Chapt. in Testament today. So what were the headlines of the nation on […]

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Where the Well Things Are

Everything we thought we knew about energy development just a few short years ago seems to have been turned on its head.  Some of this change has been caused by new technology, some by old politics; a lot by larger forces in the world around us: Over the next three decades, world energy consumption is […]

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Groundhog Day

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_yDWQsrajA] Think what you will of Bill Murray or Andie MacDowell, their performance in Harold Ramis’ 1993 movie Groundhog Day is a delightful little romp through the world of PunxsutawneyPhil and small town America. One can take Groundhog Day as a simple comedy, a diversion from our mid-winter blahs.  Murray’s self-centered TV weatherman gets what’s coming […]

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