Linking Animal and Human Health

Interesting first day of the 5th annual Bioscience Conference at Worthington Thursday. Dale Wahlstrom of the BioBusiness Alliance of Minnesota opened the session, discussing the Alliance’s vision for the Life Sciencs industry in Minnesota, developed with Deloitte Consulting. The vision focuses on five general industries in Minnesota: Medical Devices Biologics/Biopharma Animal Health Food Renewable Energy […]

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Market Value of Ag Production

Agriculture is naturally a risky business.  Americans have chosen to hedge some of that risk through federal farm programs to ensure a reliable supply of food and ag products.  If you can’t eat, the rest doesn’t much matter. The President’s first budget released last week has received a bit of press for changes to U.S. Department […]

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SW MN Farm Size Pt II

There are over 8,000 farms in the nine counties of Region 8 in Southwest Minnesota.  Measured by acreage, the largest cohort of farms in the state is 50-179 acres, while the largest group in our region is 180-499 acres. Measured by the market value of production, Southwest Minnesota has generally fewer of the very small farms—what the USDA […]

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Rural Broadband At A Glance, 2009 Edition

USDA today issued a short Bulletin looking at rural internet usage: Three-quarters of U.S. residents used the Internet to access information, education, and services in 2007. Broadband Internet access is becoming essential for both businesses and households; many compare its evolution to other technologies now considered common necessities—such as cars, electricity, televisions, microwave ovens, and cell […]

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