- True Music of the Rocky Mtn West
TONIGHT 6:30pm MDT Special 1/2 hour sampling of songs/tunes Yellowstone Public Radio http://t.co/7aMkdeg6 # - Fed Ex driver blew thru stop sign, almost ran me over in crosswalk http://t.co/GlB4hrca #
- Minnesota Painted Prairie wine for (in) dinner: Poulet au Riesling. http://t.co/TuUaQskS #
- MT @WSJ: @Zynga earnings hit the Tape. They were bad..stock's getting clobbered, down > 30%. http://t.co/WN4DCyak Buggy software sux #
- Right… “@ellmcgirt: Just learned the term "derecho." ” #
- NO, Americans value sports, duh | The smartest 1 percent: Do Americans value intelligence? http://t.co/sxLs35FT via @mprnews #
- I might watch Olympics if they incorporate elements of The Hunger Games, eg losers get their heads chopped off. #BreadAndCircuses #
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