- Scrobbled track 135,000: Adrienne Young – Hills & Hollers http://t.co/2vIe6CBt via @lastfm #NoDepression #
- Streetscape Spearfish: http://t.co/eVvNgbe2 When I’m motoring along I-90 I try to stop over at Spearfish…. #
- Local haterade: Authors say locavores do more harm than good http://t.co/yEZNHICa via @grist #food #localfood #
- We hold these truths to b self-evident, that all men r created equal, that they r endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.. #
- ..that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Happy Independence Day, USA! #
- God Bless America! http://t.co/ihHbRkTv #
- “@The_Tinder_Box: 'Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.' – #leotolstoy http://t.co/wr2yKpXE” #Anna #
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