- The costs of sprawl “@StarTribune: Street work can pave road to ruin. http://t.co/ZFlpd1PI” #
- De-frosting the vehicle. Got spoiled by pseudo-winter. #
- I gave @Mando_lines +K about Music on @klout http://t.co/jtO3vy2W #
- Tip my hat @Westernfolklife: Elko Cowboys Up – JC http://t.co/OiJtTV2v http://t.co/KnZxR8jO #cowboy #poetry #
- Billboard corporations use money and influence to override your vote – http://t.co/vGBeOLn7 @highcountrynews #zoning #
- 12:30 CST promo Celebration of Women & their Music “@Veederranch: See ya on the Radio http://t.co/bnfkMUbr” #
- Damn, I miss Montana… Evening Sun lights up Theisen Road http://t.co/tTDeWuoA via @bozchron #
- Design a Fix for the Housing Market: http://t.co/I3csiRV4 #Zoning giveth and zoning taketh away. #
- BS “@TwangNation: "Authenticity is a subjective thing. If the musics good that's all that matters." @dachesterfrench #GRAMMYs #SMRSS” #
- Agreed! MT @kimruehl: ..who needs to tune in to telecast when it won't show folk & Americana cats & we have @TwangNation there representing? #
- Caffeine. Plenty of caffeine. “@katenesse: One lecture down, one to go. Any advice on lecturing on confidence intervals? #statistics
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