- Duluth vs. Expedia: Suing for sales taxes http://t.co/dQfeAO4 @theeconomist Duluth-North Shore could be great place if get w/New Economy. #
- Rotel King Ranch Chicken http://t.co/kY4lCWX #
- Ready for the oven! http://t.co/iotkDBZ #
- Lightning, oh my! #
- @guitarmantoo back of RoTel can. Chicken ala King green chile style. #
- Thunder stopped, sun came out, birds singing, world a beautiful place again. #
- Recipe for RoTel King Ranch Chicken here: http://www.texmex.net/Rotel/kingckic.htm RT Ready for the oven! http://t.co/iotkDBZ #good #
- Scrobbling Krush's Morning Americana Mix @KRFC Clumsy Lovers, Guy Clark, Elizabeth Cook, Eaglesmith, Riders in Sky, Joe Ely. #NoDepression #
- My favorite Dylan song is any of his songs sung by any other artist. He can write, but he can not sing! #nodepression #
- @markusrill Interpreter I can buy, but that voice makes small children and puppies cry. #
- @markusrill most anything after Garth's first album is abomination! #
- @markusrill Well done! #
- @grayplanning Thanks for the follow! I do "professional" planning @JohnCShepard #
- @Richard_Florida "right" density varies. Need to build true to each place, #
- Duluth installs Dylan-inspired manhole covers | Duluth News Tribune http://t.co/e9MLRgU #NoDepression #
- Flooded roads across Montana. Be Safe! RT @bozchron BREAKING – Several Bozeman roads underwater as flooding worsens http://bit.ly/kiqxeb #
- @AngelEasterling that must be Flash? No show on iOs. #
- @Michael_Knutson Blandin brought all MN RDOs in on the project, general support. #
- @orgeorphelin You've been busy! Beautiful day in the country. #
- What is that strange glowing orb in the sky? Is it the sun?!? #rainraingoaway #
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