- Streaming Krush's Monday Morning Mix @KRFC: @_r_a_c_h_e_l_, Dallas Wayne, The Flatlanders, Bonnie and The Clydes #nodepression #
- Skipping Mondays and going directly to Tuesday would greatly enhance my workday productivity. #
- Remember the Alamo – Happy Texas Independence Day! #
- @kimruehl Dear fav music critic getting political, the way it works is, the rest of the people think Gov. Walker is doing the Right thing. #
- @kimruehl I know where Ur coming from. I just get tired of Folks assuming acoustic music=Lefties, anymore than Nashvegas=GOP. #
- NashVegas here we come! RT @newgeography Is Nashville the Next Boomtown of the New South? http://fb.me/DuVcaJxl #
- TVZ lyrics? RT @orgeorphelin "While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die" – Leonardo da Vinci #
- 8 years ago the 4th of March, JC's Americana radio show premiered on-air during the inaugural week @KRFC #nodepression #
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