- I love maps. New maps: http://www.ers.usda.gov/data/ruralatlas/, or old maps: http://www.euratlas.com/ #
- & hockey maps (Minnesota is #1 MT @Richard_Florida The United States of Hockey – NYT – http://nyti.ms/eEdphb #
- Really getting into DBT's GoGo Boots. Muscle Shoals was good for 'em. #nodepression #
- @civicanalytics If I worked in Austin, I'd never get any work done! #
- RT @readalouddad: 3 Children's Books About Maps: http://t.co/Pjbra #
- RT @chriskmusic KRFC – Top Spins – Wk ending Feb 20 2011 http://wp.me/pPMZ0-zY #nodepression #
- RT @AnnT Carver County Fiber Construction RFB http://wp.me/p3if7-1bU #broadband #
- It's said that George Washington could really cut a rug. http://www.colonialmusic.org/GWD-bk.htm #
- Rural cmty #broadband startup adds wireless to FTTH network « Blandin on Broadband http://bit.ly/hgs6os #swmn #anytimeanywhere #
- Premise is flawed. Growth for sake of growth RT @Richard_Florida 2010 US census-1 in 4 counties "dying" – AP/ HuffPo – http://huff.to/gcoZO7 #
- On this date in 1386, President General Antonio López de Santa Anna laid seige to The Alamo. Sometimes you lose the battle to win the war. #
- @BillyAnneCrews Heard Townes Van Zandt was more popular in Europe than US during his life. Not a bad mark, well, except for they dying bit. #
- RT @markusrill Here's a look ahead to our cd release on Friday & Saturday http://bit.ly/exTXSV #nodepression #
- Ever used Quora.com? RT @fastcompany Congressman Eric Cantor Taps Quora Crowd for #eDemocracy Experiment http://bit.ly/e7AVyC #
- RT @K12Learn Take a look – 80,000 e-book lending collection avail to check out at OpenLibrary.org. http://ow.ly/426uC #
- A picture of economic contrasts: Colorado 2000-2010 Pop change by county map http://bit.ly/gz72f3 #
- Is Vail really the strongest micropolitan economy in US? (Edwards, CO) http://bit.ly/eToJ8u #rural #
- By the way, somebody take that last website out and put it out of our misery. Awful web design. #
- 11 of top 14 Micropolitan economies in Rocky Mountains–Colorado, Wyoming, Montana. Why did I leave? http://www.policom.com/microrank.htm #
- That would be STOLE the North Stars from MN! RT @dtapscott My table mate now is Norman Green founder of Calgary Flames and Dallas NStars. #
- Concord, NH, at #8 top non-touristy micropolitan economy, 2nd ranked small state capital after Helena, MT #rural #
- I'll plead ignorance, or at least unfamiliarity: Is anyplace in Connecticut really "#rural"? Torrington, CT #18 micropolitan economy #
- Willmar, MN, ranked #48 micro economy, top in Minnesota. OK, Tweeps, any more comments I'll save for the Macro-blog. #
- America's Biggest Brain Magnets | Newgeography.com http://bit.ly/h6Dgai #
- And it's a good one RT @PasteMagazine The Avett Brothers Offer Free MP3 http://bit.ly/fUSF2i #nodepression #
- RT @AustinPaws In honor of Johnny Cash today, #Austin street art http://twitpic.com/43z70u #nodepression #
- "I don't meditate. But I've thought about it." -Michael Martin Murphy #
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