- RT @pastemagazine The 40 Best Little Radio Stations in the U.S. :: List of the Day :: Paste http://bit.ly/9vOsW4 #
- New Life in a Montana Ghost Town http://bit.ly/9pdRFB @PreservationMag #
- What Wilderness Teaches | Daily Yonder | Keep It Rural http://bit.ly/bmPSYL #Amen #
- Feds to assess Jackson County damage today | Worthington Daily Globe | Worthington, Minnesota http://bit.ly/dyvHT2 #
- @TwangNation I've heard it said, Americana is Country music for people who can read. #musicphilosophy in reply to TwangNation #
- Yeah. @FarmAid is sparing @YouTube livestream of Kenny Chesney pablum. #farmaid25 #
- @gretchenpeters @barelywashed Congrats, but stay away from that drama that makes them great country songs. #
- Is it more impressive tech enables entire world to share #FarmAid25 .. or more depressing tech enables entire world to spam the comments? #
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