- Colorado anglers hooked on preserving access to Big Thompson River – The Denver Post: http://www.denverpost.com/ci_14861079 #
- RT @catmiddleton: Canada's digital divide: many rural regions are being left behind http://tgam.ca/LEU #
- They're screwing with our scrobbles @lastfm again http://blog.last.fm #
- Would love to get to Kerrville one day RT @AngelEasterling WOW!! I am a Kerrville New Folk Finalist for the 2nd year in a row!!! #
- CMT : NASHVILLE SKYLINE: Is Music Row Making Records It Wouldn't Buy? http://bit.ly/ccTpU2 #
- "Festival Season and the Northern State of Mind" on @NoDepression: http://ning.it/b2DFl7 #
- 60 apply for Bozeman planning director so far http://shar.es/mtEqn | Not so good odds for a call-back 🙁 #
- I'll be working on the railroad, all the live-long day. #
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