- Hot Club of Cowtown streaming on KRFCfm.org morning mix. #nodepression #musicmonday #
- Classmates of mine at CU years ago: RT @denverpost Front page news: "Agriburbia" sprouts on Colorado's Front Range http://bit.ly/1C46l8 #
- A Conversation with Tom Russell @nodepression t http://bit.ly/Wcb5B #
- Worried & Arrogant I can buy, but touchy-feely no way. Myers-Briggs for Twitter http://bit.ly/glM4h #
- RT @MN_news: Canadian singer-songwriter, 19, killed by coyotes while hiking http://bit.ly/i9kjf #RIP #
- Taylor Mitchell on tour in Nova Scotia, killed by coyotes. Never hike alone. #nodepression http://thechronicleherald.ca/Front/1149776.html #
- Hm. Long link in that last tweet goofing up my jcshepard.com widget. Sometimes #twitter shrinks links, sometimes #twitter don't. #
- If I was still in Colorado, I'd have a snow day today. Nightmare before XMas anyone? #
- @LostFortCollins If I could list I would list. Got it on 2 accounts, not on this one. My trout fly is going to have inferiority complex. in reply to LostFortCollins #
- Heartfelt heartbreak for Canadian artist killed by coyotes. #nodepression http://heartbreaktrail.wordpress.com/ #
- 3 things that make people love the place they live (I know, sooo last month) http://bit.ly/wkG2F #
- RT @kimruehl Some thoughts about the Townes Van Zandt song everyone knows http://bit.ly/1mwJhX #nodepression #
- Snowing on Raton (A private concert 1988). #nodepression http://bit.ly/wpd6y #
- Girls watching Miley Cyrus movie, tempting me to re-enact Steve Martin's arrow-in-the-head costume…with real arrow. #
- @catmcc Interesting thought. Maybe Pancho & Lefty on infinite repeat could save my life. in reply to catmcc #
- RT @nodepression In honor of Halloween, what's your favorite murder ballad or otherwise spooky tune? (Graham Lindsey, Emma Rumble) #
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