- RT @nelsandrews 150,000 dollar guitar! http://pi.pe/p8z942 (no problem, put it on your tab) #
- RT @tcunderground Idaho Statesman publishes October Caddis pattern (I resemble that statement!) http://tinyurl.com/yashw62 #
- For all you non-fishermen on that last re-tweet, my profile pic is an Elk Hair Caddis fly. Worst day fishing's better than best day working. #
- Twin Cites tweeps, looks like Pop Wagner is playing Mpls Eagles Club Tuesday night. Yippe Ki Yea little doggies! #
- And @RogerMcGuinn in Red Wing tonight. sigh. I love living in the country, but 200 miles from nowhere is along way from any stage. #
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