- UN links disaster risk to urban growth http://is.gd/AJei As Hank Jr says, A Country Boy Can Survive. You people in the city r SOL. #
- @KNBTFM Audrey’s great. original. authentic. true to her roots. in reply to KNBTFM #
- RT @highcountrynews: Rise of the Minotaur-Bull riding explodes from its Western roots http://tinyurl.com/pd5f59 (PBR me!) #
- Audrey Auld live @KNBTFM right NOW. http://budurl.com/921strm Well, after the Shiner Bock ad anyway. #
- RT @mnhs: 05201927: Little Falls native Charles Lindbergh, Jr., begins trans-Atlantic flight to Paris, which takes 33 1/2 hours. #
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