- Post- Census of Agriculture in Southwest Minnesota: Presentation by John C Shepard, AICP, to Southwest Regi.. http://tinyurl.com/cy8jmc #
- RT @catmcc: @JCShepard Danny Boy = Paul Robeson. http://tinyurl.com/c78zsy (YouTube) #
- RT @FLWbooks: Great horny toads! New book list: Best of Irish Writers, Then and Now http://bit.ly/3dWWQV #
- @blazingwaits I like getting ref’d to a #lastfm page, thx. in reply to blazingwaits #
- RT @MPR: Twitter: Bringing the world together, or wasting everyone’s time? Discuss. #mprtwitter (Yes) #
- RT @MPR: Good question @democracy. Raise your hand if you don’t live in the metro area. #mprtwitter #
- RT @MPR: Retweet this and feel happy! #dopameme #mprtwitter #
- @MPR Twitter is like watching The Matrix in Code. #mprtwitter in reply to MPR #
- RT @MPR: Interesting. RT @topherjaynes “sounds like this debate is a snob debate. FB=malt liquor while Twitter is a fine wine.” #mprtwitter #
- Off to talk to Townships: Senior services, windpower and hazard mitigation. Beautiful day in Minnesota! #
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