- The Chief has left the basketball building. 🙁 #
- RT @Pauseandplay: What’s the top-played song on your iTunes? check play-count function. (Alison Krauss, Choctaw Hayride-My radio DJ theme) #
- “Twenty Years Since Abbey Bid Farewell” Patagonia blog http://www.thecleanestline.com/ (H/T @tcunderground) #
- @Richard_Florida I can’t take Phillips seriously. I just hear Monty Python sketch: ‘Kevin Phillips Bong, (“Slightly Silly”): Naught.’ in reply to Richard_Florida #
- Post- Living too close to town:
Edward Abbey died 20 years ago today. The American Spectator has a nice e.. http://tinyurl.com/apvhxn # - RT @FLWbooks: In case you missed it earlier, a new list of the best of Irish writers. Books and green beer go well.. 🙂 http://bit.ly/Pjf5T #
- When you think of ‘Danny Boy’, who’s voice sounds in your head? Me: Johnny Cash and Jennifer Daniels. #
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