- Scouters: Have you tried #BSA Cub Fast Tracks den program? http://is.gd/mzES #Scouts #
- @CherylTheLibr_n If I had a ‘GPS-enabled personal trainer’ I might actually, ya know, exercise. Maybe. Probably not… in reply to CherylTheLibr_n #
- Did somebody say #DST Spring Ahead? School early out snow day here in MN, high of 15*F, blowing snow, -25*F windchill. #
- No #BSA District Roundtable tonight, darn no driving 60 miles of ice & blowing snow. More time to work on johnscout.wordpress.com. #
- @keloland It is ironic you direct Tweeple to an email for comments on Twitter! in reply to keloland #
- RT @bkgodfrey: Group w/ ties to Hezbollah caught scouting/taking pics of The Hague http://tinyurl.com/c28cam #tcot #
- @BiasedGirl I never understood why they pilloried Newt for shutting down the fed govt. Shut ‘er down and see if anybody notices. in reply to BiasedGirl #
- @BiasedGirl Yeah, then again I WORK for local govt. I love my job but not looking to donate unpaid time off myself! š in reply to BiasedGirl #
- Blandin on Broadband: Notes from Alcatel-Lucent Enterprsie Forum Paris http://is.gd/mHCS #
- RT @nytimes: Bits: The Broadband Gap: Why Is Theirs Faster? http://tinyurl.com/be6tly #
- RT @nytimes: Dalai Lama Harshly Condemns China Over Tibet http://tinyurl.com/aqz5e9 #
- RT @WSJWashington: Standing Room Only for Broadband Stimulus Meeting: Unhappy lobbyists were lined up.. http://tinyurl.com/cb7b63 #
- @AnnT I have multiple personalities on Twitter. @JohnCShepard strictly work related. I mix up politics, Scouting here @JCShepard other stuff #
- RT @PoliticsMN: RT @BusinessMN: Sprinkler requirement for new houses off the table in Minnesota, for now http://tinyurl.com/b5y9ow #
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